Why make dosed honey?
In the intricate tapestry of nature, mycelium and honey bees emerge as pivotal nodes, embodying interconnectedness and symbiosis within ecosystems. Mycelium, with its intricate underground network, serves as a internet, linking trees and plants through nutrient exchange and facilitating a web of ecological interactions.
While, honey bees act as buzzing connectors in the pollination network, flitting from flower to flower, transferring pollen, and weaving together the diverse tapestry of plant life. These natural nodes, mycelium and honey bees, contribute fundamentally to the resilience and vitality of ecosystems, displaying the importance of interconnected relationships in the intricate dance of life.
While honey bees promote the cycle of life from above mushrooms do from below.
Honey also extracts and preserves the psilocybin and other compounds found in mushrooms. Not to mention it turns mushrooms into a sweet treat!
~as above so below~